One of the main events covered by Catholic papers, of course, are the ordination Masses for priests and deacons. Here, I've included a sampling of photos from an ordination Mass in New Jersey, but not all the photos that were published from that Mass.
Of course, one highlight of the Pope's 2008 trip to New York was Mass in Yankee Stadium. Once again, we didn't have press credentials, but were still able to give our readers a good feel for what the Mass was like.
Pope Benedict XVI visited New York during his tour of the United States in 2008. One might think, that as members of the Catholic press, we would have been given priority in receiving press passes, but, alas, it was not so. However, one of the enterprising reporters on the staff rounded up tickets to the papal arrival at St. Patrick's Cathedral, and also the papal Mass. These photos show the crowd lining the streets, the cathedral, and give a feel for what it is like to be in the large crowds.
Operation Dreamlift is one of the charities supported by the Diocese of Trenton, and in my capacity as editor there, for two years, I covered this event. The organizers fly special needs and handicapped children to Disney World in Orlando for a day. It is a moving and inspiring charitable activity.
I'm a writer and photographer currently in graduate school at K-State. See my other blogs at and